Very confusing at first, but you'll get the hang out it, enventually. Beer and people with an imagination are needed. Any number of people stand together in a circle & 1 person (the prince of wales) starts by saying...
"Whales tales, the prince of wales calls [type of] tales, on a court of [court size], on [someone]"
There are thousands of different types of tales, many of the custom jobs, but I'll list those at the end.... The court size is the number of people counted off from the prince, depending on the type of tales it could be just numbers, letters, etc... when introducing a new type of tales, it is polite to point to each person as you count off the ordinal for them.
Once the prince picks someone ('on four') for example that person must say 'nay', the prince then responds 'who', and the person then picks a new person '1' which would be the person next two him, who would respond, 'nay' and the person who said one would then say 'who' and the person who said nay would then pick a new number... here's a graphical? picture:
A B C DA: "whales tales, the prince of wales, calls regular rotational tails, on a court of 4 on 2"
There are like i said, many variations on the type of tales you can play though generally there are only 3 types of rotation, regular, reverse, & counter regular & reverse are counterclockwise & clockwise & counter oscillates between if it goes to C clockwise, from C it goes counterclockwise...
Tales :
Regular (1,2,3,4,etc)
Greek (Alpha,Beta,Gamma,Delta,etc)
[insert foreign language here]
Fat Albert (One-ba, two-ba, three-ba, etc Note: all words are -ba'd.
ex: on 1-ba, nay-ba!, who-ba?, 3-ba)
Jamaican (One-mon, two-mon, three-mon... (See Fat albert for the rest))
Canadian (One-eh, two-eh, three-eh, etc)
Also, you can add in speed tales... in which the nay/who lines are removed
As in most of the beer games, when you screw up or it takes you too long to respond you drink... The person who drinks becomes the new prince for the next round & gets to call the type of tales, etc.
Game source: The (Un)Official Internet Bartender's Guide
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