The Webtender
An On-line Bartender

Amaretto Sunset


Mixing instructions:

Shake ingredients in bartender's mixer quickly, just 5 shakes. Strain out ice, serve in glass immediately with a slice of orange.

Creator/contributor's comments:

It should taste orangey, almondy, appley, all together. An Autumn drink. You may alternately wish to serve it with an almond or two instead of the orange slice. Should be just a drop below room temp. For fireplace drink, eliminate ice, warm cider for 30 seconds in microwave.

Drink Information:
Category: Ordinary Drink
Alcohol: Alcoholic
Serve in: Unknown glass type
Rating: 7.0 - 13 votes  [vote]
Contributor: Jennifer S. Katz
Added: 14.Nov.1997
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