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Subject: Request: Ultimate "Chopped" Challenge for a drink
From: rincon
Posted: Tue Aug 25. 2015, 22:55 UTC
Due to new dietary restrictions, I am looking for a drink that meets some 
daunting criteria to replace my beloved wine.   If you are familiar with the 
food show, Chopped, here's a reverse challenge for those of you who know your 
mixers.  Your mystery basket works in reverse.  You can use any ingredients in 
a full bar EXCEPT:

Alcohol (must be non-alcoholic)
Carbonated anything -- water, beer, soda -- no gassy bubbles
Fruit juice -- at least no more than a dash or two (sugar limits)


it must be something most full bars would be able to mix.

I am open to any suggestions although some of you may suggest that I just 
forget it and learn to like boring plain water with a slice of lemon or lime. 
I am hoping somebody creative has a better idea! 


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